
I concentrate my research interests on issues like the decision-making process in the European Union, lobbying and representation of interests at the supranational level. The other areas of my research interests are: the common foreign and security policy, the common security and defense policy, and selected issues of the functioning of the are of freedom security and justice of the EU.

I have also prepared a monograph entitled “Economic lobbying in the EU decision-making process” and two co-authored monographs on EU’s structural funds, their use in Poland, support offered to entrepreneurs, and finally proper preparation for applying for funds and the management of a project financed from the EU funds.

I participated in the implementation of the international project “ReflectLab – supporting lecturers in applying inquire based learning“. The project was finance from funds acquired by the main beneficiary of the program: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitat Hannover (EC Project Number: 2016-1-DE01-KA203-002891; National Agency for EU Programs, Bonn, Action TypeKA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education). Nicolaus Copernicus University (Faculty of Political Science and International studies) was a part of the consortium of this project.